Meet Nikita: Our New Visionary Leader

Excited to announce our new Executive Director, Nikita Miller. With a background in non-profits, Nikita brings a wealth of experience to Young London.

In her own words, "I am very passionate about creating youth experiences and amplifying youth voices. Young people are often underestimated but such a powerful part of our communities., I am excited to invite in youth voices, increase their involvement in decision-making places, and leverage our collective experiences as we lead Young London into this next chapter."

Nikita has firsthand experience with Young London’s programs, having participated in the Youth on Boards program, which left a lasting impression on her. She expressed excitement about reintroducing and enhancing this program, connecting with schools, and understanding the evolving needs of our community's youth.

We're looking forward to Nikita's leadership and commitment to amplifying young voices in our community.


Welcome to Young London’s new website!